英语翻译developing better ways of dealing with supply chain disr

developing better ways of dealing with supply chain disruptions is particularly imporeant since sustainable competitive advantages is often driven by speed,delivery and cost-reduction.whether intentional or due to natural catasrophe,these disruptions for businesses usually go straight to the hottom line.
this ability to dynamically influence customer choices is particularly powerful in times of crisis,as is seen in the way Apple and Dell dealt with the Taiwan earthquake in 1999.thisearthquake cut power,damaged factory equipment and halted the supply of critical PC and laptop components for two weeks,in this case,the problem could not be resolved with alternative forms of transportaion or different sources of supplies.
building a flexible and responsive supply-chain service is a solid defense against inevitable catastrophe and is critical amid the growing uncertainties in today is business environment.however,the benefits are not just in risk-mitigation.this strategic approach incorporatas competitive guals such as anticipating and even influencing shifts in customer priorities and creating advantages over rivals that are rigid in procurement,transportation and poerations.
developing better ways of dealing with supply chain disruptions is particularly imporeant since sustainable competitive advantages is often driven by speed,delivery and cost-reduction.whether intentional or due to natural catasrophe,these disruptions for businesses usually go straight to the hottom line.
this ability to dynamically influence customer choices is particularly powerful in times of crisis,as is seen in the way Apple and Dell dealt with the Taiwan earthquake in 1999.thisearthquake cut power,damaged factory equipment and halted the supply of critical PC and laptop components for two weeks,in this case,the problem could not be resolved with alternative forms of transportaion or different sources of supplies.
building a flexible and responsive supply-chain service is a solid defense against inevitable catastrophe and is critical amid the growing uncertainties in today is business environment.however,the benefits are not just in risk-mitigation.this strategic approach incorporatas competitive guals such as anticipating and even influencing shifts in customer priorities and creating advantages over rivals that are rigid in procurement,transportation and poerations.
失去后才懂得 2020-06-26 悬赏5金币 已收到2个回答






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