麻烦哪位帮忙给我写篇英语作文.请以”英国英语与美国英语的不同" 为题,写一篇大约150字左右的英文作文.

残暴的安妮 2020-07-30 悬赏5金币 已收到1个回答



The question of whether to use American or British English is a longstanding one for Chinese learners of English.
But is it an issue for native speakers of English whether they are British or American?
In an earlier programme,we found out the views of some British people.You will probably be surprised to know that they are not worried at all about the increasing influence of American English in China.
But what about the American view?How do they view the differences between American English and British English?
In this programme Lily and Neil talk to some Americans working or studying in London to see how American Engish is being received in the UK.
Afterwards challenge yourself to a mini quiz.
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