英语翻译Specifically,duringtime slot 15,A and B pulses are inhib

Specifically,duringtime slot 15,A and B pulses are inhibited since these would prevent the necessary C state in time slot 16.In time slot 16 the rectangular switching signal must transition to the B state,so C,D,E and O pulses are inhibited.Once the transition has taken place,it is necessary to insure that a C state will exist in time slot 20,so A and B are inhibited,the only two outputs which would if generated change the already existing C state to a B state.It must be understood that in inhibiting aparticular output pulse from random pulse generator 16,the inhibited output state is actually removed from the random selection and thchances for one of the other states being selected are improved.This makes it possible to force a particular output pulse by inhibiting all other states from consideration.
应该是during time.
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